$8 at the door
9:30pm doors/10pm showtime
A Porkesota Halloween:
Porkesota is a Primus Tribute band that chooses to explore the depths of mania that is Primus. This adventure will take us all to a place that defies the traditional musical world. Upon witnessing Porkesota, you will likely transcend to a lustful reality where waves of refreshingly thick cheese lap against the shores.
Porkesota consists of Dom Hanft and Jake Kirkman of Hardcore Crayons, and Cass Nee of Motari Jaguar.
DJ Krinkle:
We have the pleasure of being joined by the elusive DJ Krinkle, who will be playing a heap of oddball Primus remixes and other spoooooky sounds all night. OooOOOoo!
To truly bring this sonic adventure to the next level of adventuring, visual textures and video effects will be provided by Zach Michels.
This is a Halloween show. Any claimed Halloween shows not on this date simply do not understand the concept of time or the organization of days. Since we are smart enough to get it right, you should get it right too by wearing a spooky costume so you can spook all your friends and colleagues without revealing your true identity. Let’s be super spooky as we bask in the spooky Primus vibes.