The Dollys features three of Minneapolis’ most sought after female vocalists: Joanna Jahn, Kari Shaw and Megan Shaw.  Harmonizing to the music of The Trio: EmmyLou Harris, Dolly Parton and Linda Rondstadt and many other female country artists of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.  The Dollys also perfom folk and americana hits of the past, which they love to put their own spin on.  Together these ladies bring their collective talents to the stage and the results are harmonies so tight you’ll swear you’re live at the Grand ‘Ol Opry!

All three ladies are constantly working on their crafts through side projects, solo projects and collaborations.  While The Dollys take their music seriously, their shows are celebrations.  Their unique, heart-stopping sound is both familiar and eye opening, thrilling audiences and media alike.  Sure, Emmy Lou Harris, Linda Ronstadt and other matriarch’s of America’s music wrote the songs, but The Dollys rebuild these materpieces with a loving hand and a respectful eye towards tradition and joy.

The Dollys consider themselves lucky ladies to have such talented and experienced musicians backing them up.  A “who’s-who” of Twin Cities musicians complete The Dollys: Billy Thommes on Drums (Rocket Club, Hookers and Blow), Peter J. Sands on piano and accordion (Honeydogs, Hookers $ Blow), Nick Salisbury on bass (Love Songs for Angry Men, Joe Carey & The Chinwaggers, Jeff Ray, Ashleigh Still, Steve Noonan, The Irresistibles & Shalo Lee).  Blair Krivanek on Guitar (Mick Sterling, Steve Noonan and Percy Strother) and Shane Akers on Dobro and Lap Steel (Doug Otto & The Getaways, Chuck Suchy).