$10 at the door

8pm showtime

Judy Jackson:

Judy Jackson enjoys applying her coding skills towards creating new sound palettes and devices for the performance of electronic music. Her performance practice focuses on bringing precision and detail to live electronic music. She also loves audio synthesis and spends much of her time working in MaxMSP. Judy attended Oberlin College and Conservatory where she completed the Double Degree program in TIMARA [Technology in Music and Related Arts] and Computer Science. Jackson is a FIGs Grant recipient and her  work has been recognized by the Schubert Club of Minnesota, Third Practice Electroacoustic Music Festival, and Minnesota Public Radio. She has published research through the MCURCSM [Midstates Conference For Undergraduate Research in Computer Science and Mathematics] Conference. Judy has studied with Wynn-Anne Rossi, James Dillon, Lyn Goeringer, Lewis Nielsen, Peter Swendsen, Aaron Helgeson, Aurie Hsu, and Tom Lopez. She currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Joey Crane - cello
Ivan Cunningham - saxophones
Laura Harada - violin
Judy Jackson - voice, violin
Adam Zahller - baroque recorders & voice