• Icehouse MPLS (map)
  • 2528 Nicollet Ave S
  • Minneapolis, MN, 55404
  • United States

ADVANCE: $12 // DAY OF SHOW: $15

Damage Controller is a post-apocalyptic jam band bringing music and light to the masses comprised of Martin Dosh (keyboards, samples), Dave Power (drums, samples), Eric Carranza (guitar, loops), and Charlie Lincoln (bass).

Cult Vibes is the new project from writing partners Matthew Graves and Dōjō Holliday of MRS. Their debut album, “Let’s Celebrate”, is an intentionally catchy affair. In these early stages of a collapsing world, this shit is, quite frankly, needed. Holliday’s reputation for solid lyricism is on full display, and throughout “Let’s Celebrate”, themes focus on empathy, indecision, the extinction of basic courtesy, powering through mental illness, and the struggle to stay in love with music. Dour topics, yes- but delivered on this album with relatable/realistic optimism. Graves and Holliday clearly draw from the Art-Pop of yesteryear (XTC, Talking Heads, DEVO)- but know the difference between aping- and cooking something fresh with the proper ingredients. New member, Dillon Marchus (Jeweler, Hyooman), joined recently on guitar and keys. Also on board for live performance are Niki Beverly (Bev) and Emma Holliday.

Din-Din is a weird band that comes from all over the midwest but we call the Twin Cities our base of operations. With an eclectic mix of instrumentation and affected vocals, din-din intends to take the listener on a journey through a scary carnival where although you're on edge the entire time, the rides are actually super fun and there is some decent food available as well. Our songs are about the end of human existence, the climate crisis, snakes, outer space and of course, donuts. We self recorded our debut album in January 2022 and if Ryan ever gets a second to breathe he'll finish mixing it this summer as well. Thank you for your time and come say hi to us after our shows, we're actually pretty nice.