• Icehouse MPLS (map)
  • 2528 Nicollet Ave S
  • Minneapolis, MN, 55404
  • United States

8PM SHOWTIME // $12 ADVANCE (+ fees) // $17 AT THE DOOR

William Statler (Free Music) is currently substitute teaching in the Minneapolis Public School district. He has released music on Night People Records, Restaurant Music, Trilogy Tapes, and Digital Sting. He loves listening to music, including: Dave Matthews Band, Björk, Ornette Coleman, Realtree, and Nouthong Phimvilayphone (and others.) He is looking forward to the show.

Realtree is a band made up of cello, clarinet, cornet, electric guitar and laptop. They focus on performing songs that use monophonic and timer-controlled compositions as temporal structures for improvisations. Material for each song originates from previous performances, miscellaneous audio or simply other songs, which were transcribed and used as building blocks for the compositions. Realtree’s previous release, "Splendor Falls on Everything Around" (Public Eyesore Records), has been described as “quite orderly” (The Wire) and “totally captivating” (Vital Weekly).

Lyn Corelle is a filmmaker, photographer, and writer. They recently co-edited the anthology Make the Golf Course a Public Sex Forest! In 2021 they released the non-fiction film A Corpse Among Corpses, a collaboration with Sasha Warren. Their work has been shown at various yards, basements, gardens, parks, and beaches around Minneapolis, as well as the Walker Art Center, the Leather Archives & Museum, and the Sioux City Art Center.