For the past 16 years, Consolation Champ has played a benefit show on December 23rd, reuniting with many musical friends to celebrate the season and raise money for Twin Cities non-profits doing great work to serve the community. They are honored to hold the 17th installment at Icehouse this year, with proceeds benefiting Pillsbury United Communities and their mission to co-create enduring change toward a just society.
Pillsbury United Communities co-creates enduring change toward a just society. Built with and for the people we serve, our united system of programs, neighborhood centers, and social enterprises empowers individuals and families across the region to own their future on their own terms.
Beginning in 1879 with Minneapolis’s first settlement house, Pillsbury United Communities co-creates enduring change toward a just society. Built with and for historically marginalized and underinvested groups across our community, our united system of programs, neighborhood centers, and social enterprises connects more than 55,000 individuals and their families each year. We are guided by a vision of thriving communities where every person has personal, social, and economic power.
Consolation Champ makes songs that seem simple and sound interesting, bringing carefully crafted lyrics and catchy melodies to the forefront. Hundreds of performances spanning 35+ states and 17+ years have turned C. Champ into a seasoned live act capable of entertaining in just about any setting. These Minnesotans have known each other since grade school, and it shows in the ball they have on stage performing both originals and their favorite songs from music history.
A little over a decade after their final show together, The Alarmists’ original lineup (Eric Lovold, Jorge Raasch, Ryan Carrera, Ryan Mach and Tony Najm) is exploring what it’s like to make music together again. There isn’t a sensational story or remarkable ramp-up to these circumstances: some of the group fell out of touch after a disbandment that was somewhat typical: difference in opinion and creative direction – and then, after time, they reconnected. Everyone agreed that it could be amazingly fun at best, and interesting at worst to create music together again. Several months and a fully recorded album later, that hypothesis is validated. Staying firmly rooted at the midpoint between post-punk from the late 70s and early 80s, and folk-leaning American pop music from the late 20th century, The Alarmists are making their sharpest music to date.
Technically dormant for over a half decade, Joey Ryan & The Inks will once again reunite at Eve Eve to play a handful of songs from their catalog. Leaning into sunny psychedelia, harmonies, and tight arrangements, this band makes pop music bursting at the seams with warmth and color.